• What was the initial spark or idea that led to the creation of “Good”?

I was having a spirited argument with my best friend last summer over the global spread of AI.  He was pretty fatalistic about it and felt that it was the end of all of us – that we would lose our sense of humanity, goodness, self, and would basically become zombies.  I took the opposite position, and stated that even if AI were to cause the end of the world, and even if it were to happen to every personality type, even if it were to happen to The Breakfast Club, and even if they had the worst jobs in the world, even if they worked logistics for Amazon in suburban Omaha, Nebraska, they would still find a way to do the right thing; and I was so convinced I had the better argument that I took out my iPhone and opened the Notes app for the first time and jotted down my argument so that the next day at the breakfast table the rest of the house could hear my argument and tell me that I was right.  So I did.  And they did; but more importantly, they told me that the story was hilarious and that I should write a movie about it and 10 weeks later Good was finished.


  • What message or theme were you aiming to convey?

The fundamental resilience of humanity’s better nature.


  • Which scriptwriter’s work do you admire the most, and why?

Aaron Sorkin.  His ability to make dialogue gripping, authentic, and compelling inspires above others.


  • Which books or films had the biggest impact on you growing up?

I was a huge Stephen King fan (still am).  Loved John Grisham and Tom Clancy too.


  • Tell us about your writing journey.

This is my very first.  Before good my last bit of creative writing received an A-.  I had no idea this was in me.


  • What do you think is the most important aspect of scriptwriting?

Authenticity.  You must make the audience believe in the story.  Really believe.


  • What is your process for coming up with new and innovative storylines?

Let the imagination breathe.  Wander.  And then, when an idea has promise, RUN WITH IT.


  • If you could write for any character or franchise, who would it be?



  • What are some unexpected joys you’ve found in your script writing journey?

I’m a lot funnier than I thought I was.


  • What advice would you give to someone starting in this field?

Don’t hold back just to be safe.